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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Where did the day go?

It is on days like these that I take extra time to do my makeup, fluff my hair and overall make sure I am pretty.  Not that I am not ususally pretty, I have always had a very distorted reality of what I look like- Hello I am Pretty- but on days like today, I know the "feeling" of pretty needs to radiate throughout my being.  It won't be soemthing I need every day.  Most days I will be completely comfortable in knowing who I am, but after yesterday, I must make a turn around and remind myself that I am pretty, I am funny and people like me! (thanks SNL)
Today is one of my favorite days of the week-  I spend a few hours with my dad.  I love this day- I have the oportunity to gleen such amazing things for just being in his presence.  I love Wednesdays.  I believe if you have the oportunity to spend quality time- seriously just being in the same room with him for a few hours- everyone needs to do it.  Ones parents are such a gift- rather they are someone you admire or cringe from many lessons can be learned from sharing a cup of coffe with them.  It matters- trust me. 
Well, it seems we are on day two- I am surviving and so far, I am pretty sure I am still the only one reading this so-  I guess you are surviving too!
Until tomorrow!

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