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Monday, March 22, 2010

Then again, maybe I was wrong…

In school we are taught writing is an art form. It is an adult form of coloring within the lines. Sometimes, you end up writing the perfect picture, the magic of words outlining every single image. Then again, some days the pen just seems to skip across the page. The crayons won’t stay in the pictures if you will, and you look down to see you colored an arm blue.

These are the days most writers claim writers block, or better yet, they find themselves completely creatively avoiding all forms of work to better their writing. Sometimes they find days turn into weeks and weeks turn into years. Looking up, they can’t remember which page they were working on and all the crayons in the box have melted over time. Sometimes, at this pivotal moment, writers give up. Some put their manuscripts away, only to be read later and some simply throw it to the wind, never to be worked on again.

People often say writers are not like other people. They are eccentric, they are odd, even a bit crazy, none of which I disagree, mind you; however the part I don’t believe is they are not like other people.

They are. They hold rejections personal, they get involved with the people they work with, (no need to point out they live in our heads) and deep down inside, we all think we are the greatest writer in the world.

What? You are a writer and don’t think that? Of course you don’t. That was simply a test- NONE of us think we are the best writer out there- we just think we are better than most.

See, it is that little piece that makes a true writer take the manuscript they put aside and start working again. It is that little element which makes the true teacher start volunteering at her kids school to help on Thursdays. They are the parts that bind us together. We are all the same. All groups of people tend to get into avoidance mode, no matter what their occupation. (Let’s hope brain surgeons stay on task for the most part) I proudly state when people ask what I do that I am a writer. Am I published? Well, not unless this counts, but I am a writer. What are you? What picture did you stop coloring years ago? Did you shove it in a drawer, or did you toss the dream away completely? Whatever you did, ask yourself if it is something you can ever go back to.

I believe it is never too late, however if you wanted to be a pro football player, then maybe we need to re-define pro. If it was something other than a pro athlete, are you ready to pick it up again? Even in a little capacity?


Maybe not

Either way, are you doing something ? Anything at all? If not, why? See, this isn’t a dress rehearsal, it is the now. Start today- again. Make a commitment to yourself to do one thing this week toward your future goal. It doesn’t mean you are going to make it through med school by Friday, but do one little thing to push you closer. Just one tiny step. It will take you forward and that is the yellow brick road to your dream.

Why not? You can do it; you can do anything you put your mind to.

What is that you say? You want to be a racehorse jockey? Then again, maybe I was wrong…

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