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Thursday, March 18, 2010

I guess it is time to go live....

For the longest time I have been in resistance to telling anyone about my blog. I mean, really, why would anyone want to read about me? Furthermore, why would anyone want to read about my life? I am a boring normal person, with normal problems and normal excitement. What makes me special?

It wasn’t until a dear friend of mine explained to me the normalcy’s MADE me special. (Trust me, I am still not convinced.) But, low and behold, here we are- posting a blog entry that I will be inviting everyone to see, read, and respond to.

Wow, the entire concept of going live is a bit unnerving- so I tried to imagine it as an exercise I did a few years back…

We were doing a ropes course for personal growth. The next obstacle was a tree. Seems harmless enough, can’t chase you. (And if it did think of the story you could write?)

I digress-

So we were standing in front of a harmless tree in the great outdoors, being one with nature, breathing the fresh air, admiring the treetops and small birds that flew in between. But wait- what is that? Why it looks like a trapeze bar- I noted there were no small well dressed people in tights near me, nor an elephant or tiger in sight. So what, pray tell was a trapeze bar doing in the middle of the woods, you ask?

It was at then we were informed the exercise involved trust. Not typically one of my strong points, but I tried to keep an open mind, as well as a small eye on the mystery bar above me.

They explained that we were to climb the tree, stand on the 2”x2” platform then face the trapeze bar. Take a deep breath for this next part, we were instructed to jump into mid air and grab a hold of the bar.

Now, to clarify any and all preconceived notions, I am not, nor will I ever be athletic. I have an issue with gravity. The issue is it is very attached to me, there for sky diving and such activities are not on my bucket list.

The instructor asked if he had any volunteers. I heard someone step forward and immediately say they would go first. I looked around and swallowed rather hard when I discovered it was me. Well, I just volunteered in front of at least thirty people, I had to now actually climb a tree.

Honestly, you don’t want the details, they weren’t pretty, but the moral of the story is I did it. Was it easy? Keeping the thought of plummeting forty feet to my death, or at the very least a broken arm from the fore front of your mind, then yes- it was a cinch.

Today, I find myself on another platform, ready to grab out to the awaiting trapeze bar. My mind is swimming, my heart is racing, but in the end the words are the same as they were that day. My spirit is saying: Just Jump.

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! You're going to be swinging on that trapeze having the time of your life!
