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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The slower we move the faster we die- make no mistake moving is living*

Forgetting about so many things seem to be the trend of today- I haven’t updated in almost a week and here I sit wondering why no one is reading my page…hmmm-it is a mystery-

This week has been filled with ups and downs, in and outs, even overs and unders. Needless to say, I am ready for spring break- of course, aren’t we all? Wouldn’t it be great if we were 10 again and spring break simply meant no school and and outside world filled with endless possibilities?

But then again, why is it we can’t celebrate as adults? WE are in-charge now- no one is telling us when to go to bed, when to turn off the T.V. and most importantly if they are, well then maybe you need to do some internal conversations with yourself.

I am in awe of the number of adults I know that have given up entirely. Don’t we grow up waiting for the time that we are in control of our own lives, only to be bogged down with excuses and regrets? I believe in life liberty and the pursuit of YOUR happiness- that, by definition is whatever you want it to be-

In that pursuit of MY happiness, I find a great form of reflection in my favorite form of art- Movies- Ah yes, the cinema has captured some of the biggest and most touching things we as humans have ever experienced. In some ways a life can be completely defined by movies- look at John Hughes- he defined an entire generation.

So in my love of movies and their true reflections of life, I have two I am going to talk about today. One is currently in the theatres, while the other is out at your local Redbox- (or netflix if you will)

I firmly believe quotes are life changing speeches that stayed in the dryer too long. (Not that there is anything wrong with that)

“Imagine for a second that you're carrying a backpack. I want you to pack it with all the stuff that you have in your life... start with the little things…” *{Up in The Air}

Think about that for a second- how many of us carry extra things in our backpack that are a) not ours to carry, or b) really not needed? Think about it if you would set down the back pack- how would that feel?

Large novels and books have been written about the subject- one of those is something about packing light, but how many of us read these, think they are wonderful- and set them down never to be picked up again? But when George Clooney says it on a 40 foot screne, we tend listen. Sometimes.

Now it takes me to a movie playing in theatres now- Seriously, you have to go see this movie- it is moving amazing and whatever you do- DON’T try and find out what it is about- it will ruin your entire experience-

“Gandhi said that whatever you do in life will be insignificant. But it's very important that you do it… If you could hear me, I would say that our finger prints don't fade from the lives we've touched.” {Remember Me}

Now let’s look at that for a second- how could you possibly not get a few goose bumps when you read those two? Seriously? These are powerful thought provoking ideas-

I guess the moral of this entry today is LIVE- by whatever means you choose- just LIVE-

If you are lucky enough to be doing what you love, celebrate-

If you are lucky enough to be loving who you are with, celebrate-

If you are lucky enough to be living at all, celebrate-

I don’t mean through a Trump sized party, I mean look up at the sky and down at the ground and be THANKFUL that you are here-

And always wear sunscreen-* { Chicago Tribune, written by staff writer Mary Schmich}

1 comment:

  1. I had a friend ask if the above entry was written by Mary Schmich. It was actually written by me, but it is her words we hear in the imfamous sunscreen song popular in the 1990's- I felt credit was due-
